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Dragon Oil Pipeline & Structures Integrity Management Systems


Hazar, Turkmenistan, and Dubai, UAE


Dragon Oil PLC

  • Structural Integrity Management System
  • Pipeline Integrity Management System


Dragon Oil has concession rights to and operates the Lam and Zhdanov fields in the Caspian Sea, offshore peninsula, Turkmenistan. The Lam and Zhdanov offshore facilities consist of approximately 70 fixed jacket structure platforms and approximately 55 pipelines, including a number of in-field production flowlines and transfer lines, flexible flowlines, and trunklines, ranging from approximately 0.5km to 37km in length. In addition there are 8 onshore liquid pipelines and 2 onshore gas lines.

With many of the offshore installations and pipelines now reaching their original anticipated design life, Dragon Oil recognised the need to establish sound structural and pipeline integrity management to manage the maturing assets. Dragon Oil required a comprehensive framework for the integrity management of fixed jacket structures and pipelines, reflecting good industry practice.


The development of a documented Structural Integrity Management System (SIMS) and Pipeline Integrity Management System (PIMS), defining the requirements and guidance for all key aspects of structural and pipeline integrity management.


Penspen performed an assessment of Dragon Oil’s current SIMS and PIMS arrangements against Penspen’s Integrity Management System (IMS) Model, and identified areas for improvement. Penspen then worked with Dragon Oil to develop and document the necessary arrangements to establish good industry practice for structural and pipeline integrity management. This involved the formalisation of the roles and responsibilities for integrity management, and the development of arrangements for risk assessment, project life-cycle and change control, operations, inspection, and maintenance, emergency response and recovery, repair, document and data control, and review and audit. Particular enhancements included the development of a risk-based inspection methodology for pipelines, and the formalised reporting of inspection scopes, rolling programs, air gap and tilt assessments, weight control, and life time extension for structures.


Penspen’s IMS services have provided Dragon Oil with formalised and documented SIMS and PIMS, defining the roles, responsibilities and arrangements of all parties within Dragon Oil  both in Turkmenistan and Dubai with respect to integrity management. The documented SIMS and PIMS provide Dragon Oil  with a solid framework based on best industry practices from which to proactively and consistently manage the integrity of their structures and pipelines.