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Offshore Pipeline Legislation Awareness Course

Course Overview:

The offshore Pipeline Legislation Awareness course describes the Government departments and Non-Government agencies involved, the procedures to be followed, the duties that must be complied with and the authorisations that must be obtained. The course addresses all the relevant planning, major accident hazard, environmental protection and decommissioning legislation for offshore pipelines, as well as the operational and the decommissioning phases of onshore pipelines. It is therefore ideally suited for those that operate trunk pipelines to the beach.

However, the course does not address the occupational health and safety legislation that must be complied with when undertaking the construction, operation, inspection, maintenance or abandonment of pipelines (e.g. Noise at Work regulations, Control of Substances Harmful to Health regulations, Display Screen etc.). Training in this is normally addressed by a clent’s own training providers. The course can be extended to cover these additional duties if required.

Course Objective:

The aim of this course is to provide an understanding of the relevant UK legislation to those whose work involves the planning, design, construction, commissioning and decommissioning of offshore oil and gas pipelines.

Course Content:

Introduction –


  • The Planning and Abandonment Regime;

– The Principal Acts and Regulations;

– The Role of the OGA/BEIS OPRED;

– The Role of the MMO and MS;

  • The Safety Regime;

– The Principal Acts and Regulations;

– The Role of the HSE;

  • The Environment Regime;

– The Principal Acts and Regulations;

– The Role of the OPRED EMT, DEFRA, SERAD, EA and SEPA.

What is a pipeline?

  • The Petroleum Act 1998;
  • The Offshore Installations (Management and Administration) Regulations 1995;
  • Application Outside Great Britain Orders;
  • Pipelines Act 1962;
  • Pipelines Safety Regulations 1996;
  • Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000.

Constructing a New Offshore Pipeline –

Getting Permission to Build the Pipeline

  • The Offshore Petroleum Production and Pipelines (Assessment of Environmental Effects) Regulations 1999.

– The need for an Environmental Statement

  • The Petroleum Act 1998;

– Pipeline Works Authorisation;

– The PWA Application Process;

– Format;

– Admiralty Charts;

– Table A and Schematic;

– Public Consultation – other oil companies and pipeline operators, the fishermen;

– Government Consultation – HSE, MMO, MS, Crown Estates etc.;

– Objections;

  • The Coast Protection Act 1949/Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009/Marine Scotland Act 2010;

– The Consent Process.

Getting Permission to Pre-dredge, to Place Articles on the Seabed and to Discharge Substances into the Sea

  • Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 / Marine Scotland Act 2010;

– Consents to Place/Deposit Articles;

  • Offshore Chemicals Regulations 2002;

– Permits to Discharge Substances.

Designing and Building the Offshore Pipeline Safely

  • The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 Application Outside Great Britain Order 1995 and the Offshore Safety Act 1992;

– Duties on employers, the self-employed, the employed and the owners of premises;

– Duties on designers and installers;

  • Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, SI 3242, 1999;

– Risk analysis and health surveillance;

  • Pipelines Safety Regulations 1996;

– The general duties;

– Design;

– Safety systems;

– Access;

– Materials;

– Construction and installation;

– Major Accident Hazard pipelines;

– The additional duties;

– Riser ESD valves;

– The Major Accident Prevention Document;

– The notification procedure;

  • Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations, SI 2306, 1998;
  • Offshore Installations (Offshore Safety Directive) (Safety Case) Regulations 2015;

–  The integration of the SCR and PSR;

– The Safety Case and MAPD interface;

– The Verification Scheme;

  • Prevention of Fire and Explosion, and Emergency Response Regulations 1995;

– The integration of PFEER and PSR;

  • Offshore Installations and Wells (Design and Construction, etc.) Regulations 1996.

Operating an Offshore Pipeline –

Operating the Pipeline Safely

  • Pipelines Safety Regulations 1996;

– The general duties;

– Safe Operating Limits;

– Work on a pipeline;

– Maintenance;

– Damaging a pipeline;

– Prevention of damage;

– Co-operation;

– The additional duties;

– The Major Accident Prevention Document;

– The notification procedure;

  • Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations, SI 2306, 1998;
  • The Submarine Telegraph Act 1885.

Dealing with Emergencies

  • Pipelines Safety Regulations 1996;

– The general duties;

– Incidents and emergencies;

– The additional duties;

– Emergency Procedures;

  • The Merchant Shipping (Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation Convention) Regulations 1998;

– Oil Pollution Emergency Plans;

  • The Reporting of Injuries, Deaths and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2015.

Protecting the Environment

  • Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009/Marine Scotland Act 2010;
  • The Control of Pollution Act 1974;
  • Waste Management Licensing Regulations 1994.

Operating an Onshore Pipeline –

Operating the Pipeline Safely

  • Pipelines Safety Regulations 1996;

– The general duties;

– Safe operating limits;

– Work on a pipeline;

– Maintenance;

– Damaging a pipeline;

– Prevention of damage;

– Co-operation;

– The additional duties;

– The Major Accident Prevention Document;

– The notification procedure;

  • Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations, SI 2306, 1998;
  • Pressure Systems Safety Regulations, No 128, 2000;

– Independent Competent Persons;

– Written Scheme of Examination.

Dealing with Emergencies

  •  Pipelines Safety Regulations 1996;

– The general duties;

– Incidents and emergencies;

– The additional duties;

– Emergency procedures;

  • The Reporting of Injuries, Deaths and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2015.

Protecting the Environment

  • The Control of Pollution Act 1974;
  • Environmental Protection Act 1990;
  • Environment Act 1995;
  • Waste Management Licensing Regulations 1994.

Decommissioning an Offshore Pipeline –

Getting Authorisation to Decommission

  • Who is responsible?;
  • The Abandonment Plan;
  • Comparative Assessment;

– Technical Options;

– Risks to personnel;

– Impact on the environment;

– Risk to other users of the sea;

– Costs;

  • Consultation.

Decommissioning a Pipeline Safely

  • Health and Safety at Work Act;
  • Pipelines Safety Regulations;
  • Control of Pollution Act 1974;
  • Waste Management Licensing Regulation.

Decommissioning an Onshore Pipeline –

Getting Authorisation to Decommission

  • Who is responsible?;
  • Decommissioning a Pipeline Safely;
  • Health and Safety at Work Act;
  • Pipelines Safety Regulations;
  • Control of Pollution Act 1974;
  • Waste Management Licensing Regulations.




This course will be delivered at the Atholl Hotel, Aberdeen, UK.


The cost of the course is £1000 + VAT per attendee.

This includes all course materials, tea, coffee throughout the course and lunches on each day.

Register Your Interest

For more information or to discuss your specific requirements, please contact the training team.