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Risk and Reliability

Reliability of assets is critical in determining overall performance and in many cases more critical than integrity. Reliability techniques are used to design and maintain assets to optimise the relationship between reliability capital expenditure and operating expenditure. Penspen have broad experience in a number or reliability techniques including:

  • Reliability Availability and Maintainability (RAM) – RAM analysis is used in design projects as part of concept design, Preliminary Front End Engineering Design (Pre-FEED and FEED). RAM analysis may also be used to support modifications of assets;
  • Reliability Centred maintenance (RCM) – A proven methodology for developing effective maintenance strategies. It is a reliability optimization tool that captures daily decisions on repair procedures, their impact on planned execution and analyses the collected data in-order to forecast future reliability.

Our services

  • RAM – Reliability Availability Maintainability studies;
  • RCM – Reliability Centred Maintenance studies;
  • RBD – Reliability Block Diagrams;
  • SRA – Structural Reliability Analysis.