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In-line Inspection Operations


This is a focused 2 day course that provides detailed lectures on pig types, pigging operations, in-line inspection (ILI) technologies and inspection data. It includes examples of various pig set ups and the pig preparations required prior to running in a pipeline.

The course is structured to link pigging theory with its operational aspects and demonstrate how a typical program for a pigging project is planned and undertaken, from initial discussions through to the interpretation of inspection data reports and feature location.  

Attendees will be introduced to an independent view of different technologies and technology providers.

Course Objectives

To provide information on pig types and technology and give an overview of ILI data reporting, whilst also providing details of pipeline preparation, project planning, procedures (such as how to launch and receive pigs), general operations and safety related to pigging activities.

Course Content

The syllabus covers: proving, cleaning, in line inspection pigging and associated activities.

Pig design, methods and pigging philosophy are also explained, together with guidance on the type of documentation and information required when planning and running a pigging campaign.

Who Should Attend

The course is ideal for engineers and technical personnel who are both new to, or have some experience in pigging. The course is of particular interest to those who are involved in the processes of pig selection, planning pigging projects, supervising pigging operations or project management of pigging activities.

In line Inspection Operations – Theory Course

Penspen also deliver a theory based course on an in-house basis, providing an overview of all pigging operations from the planning required to run a pig through to the launch and receive.


Course dates to be confirmed.

Contact Us

For more information or to discuss your specific requirements, please contact the training team.